I'm a hunter and re-homer of treasures. I operate an very cute but not cutesy vintage shop in Echo, Oregon and love living with my husband on the dry and windy side of the state. My shop opens at 11 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and some other days when I'm there. We are proud retailers of FUSION Mineral Paint, Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint, and Junk Gypsy Clay & Chalk Paint (Talk to me about workshops!)
Like us on facebook to stay up to date with the happenings of our little place in tiny town America.
I sure hope the link is clickable. I'm lots better at creating and gathering than I am at linking and clicking.
Come visit us on Main Street in Echo. (Sno Road Winery is right across the street.)When we're not open, I'll be hunting treasures. Contact me if you have requests.