Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Junk Barn Girls Vintage Barn Sale, Savoring the Last Days of Summer

I remember the last days of summer as a child. There was a giddiness in my enjoyment, fueled I think by knowing change was coming. Soaking up the sun was more delicious. Unfettered play with my friends, usually my cousins, was even more fun. Wearing shorts when within days the weather would change and Mom would make sure I had my jacket; studying the calloused undersides of my feet earned by running barefoot daily in the dirt and gravel driveway; trying to come up with a plan to keep them 'hard' so I wouldn't have to go through the tender foot stage in the spring; there are no words. Going through my pile of school clothes and searching for just the right pair of socks to make each outfit perfect.

That's what the barn sale felt like yesterday. The friends wandering & chatting & shopping. Treasures going to new homes. Vendors rearranging displays to keep everything lovely. If you were there I know that you have your very own correlation to that happy childhood last summer weekend. If you weren't, well we'll be there today, Saturday September 24th, 2011. You won't find that perfect pair of socks, but I'll bet you will find that perfect accessory for your home, yard, or neck.

Grab a friend. Come out and play!


  1. Oh, that does sound so inviting! I love the fact that even in childhood you had such a great perspective on life. It's only in recent years that I've learned to celebrate and cherish the "ending" of things, rather than simply dreading what's coming next or grieving the loss of what's coming to an end. And oh, there's so much more joy in life when you just appreciate where you are at this very moment and stop fearing or worrying about what's coming next! Enjoy your "end of summer" memories today!

  2. Sounds like a great time, love the cupboards :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!
