Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grand Christmas Open House Celebrations

Sock Monkey and GOT spent some time yesterday planning our door prize basket. Yes, I know we should have had that all taken care of by now, but I'm blond and Brandi is an artist. This is how we roll. We're even putting some Echo treasures in it! (Thank you Diane Berry.) Drawing will be Saturday.
Brandi has the coffee pot going at Sock Monkey and I'm putting out fresh red velvet cupcakes at Gathere
d Over Time. Echo Bike and Board has the cool factor going on and great discounts and adorable James.
And if you've seen this post and tell me that you've seen it I'll discount your whole purchase today (Dec 2) and tomorrow (Dec 3) 15%. What a deal, right?
AND have you SEEN the great Christmas light displays in Echo? WOW!!! We have ballots in our shops so you can vote for your fav. I love Echo.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wreaths Are Here

All spring and summer I’ve been seeking out vintage Christmas ornaments just for this batch of beautiful wreaths. They’ll be making their appearance at the shop for our December 2nd Open House, but here’s a sneak peek and even the opportunity to purchase them early.  For close-up pics and purchase info visit my etsy shop, Gathered Over Time.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Veteran in My Life

There is no way to describe fully the moment that I got it. It was electric. It shook me to my inner core.  It changed my outlook on life.
Sumpter, Oregon’s Labor Day flea market a few years ago. The vegetation was worn out after a summer of heat and little rain. Vendors of everything from antiques to socks were spread over and through the town. I was not expecting an electric moment. I was expecting cool junk. I found cool junk.  Then we sat down to eat a breakfast burrito.
Across the vinyl covered picnic table sat another couple and of course Jim and Dottie being Jim and Dottie, we struck up a conversation. I wish I remembered more about them. What I remember is that he was a Vietnam vet. I remember his hand reaching across that table and my husband’s reaching back. I remember that clasp. I remember their expressions. Recollection. Connection. Relief. Sadness. Hello and goodbye, my brother. More that I could not read, nor did I want to. Their heads, nodded toward one another. Their smiles, those tight together lips that try to lift at the corners but cannot quite…   And I, finally got it.
I did not know my husband before he went to war. I suspect the man he was then was very similar to the man he is today. I know that he is in some ways not the man he was before.  He was a Navy medic. There were treks with marines through jungles and swamps. There were physically and mentally broken men, boys actually that he tended to, that he carried to the helicopters. There was an orphanage where he spent time, visiting children.  People wanted to kill him every hour of every day. He came back to taunts of baby killer. Murderer. I did not know him then. I know him now.
War IS hell. He walked through it. He lived it. He lived through hell.
This man reminds me with his life that the things important to we who have not experienced war often seem shallow to those who have.   The things that often rob our attention and muddy our thoughts are the things that swim around the important things. My husband seldom reminds me verbally, but often, daily even  reminds me in the way he approaches life just what the important things are. All I have to do is pay attention.
My husband is a blessing to me. His presence on this earth is a blessing to it. He is a quiet and extraordinary hero. He is a veteran.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Junk Barn Girls Vintage Barn Sale, Savoring the Last Days of Summer

I remember the last days of summer as a child. There was a giddiness in my enjoyment, fueled I think by knowing change was coming. Soaking up the sun was more delicious. Unfettered play with my friends, usually my cousins, was even more fun. Wearing shorts when within days the weather would change and Mom would make sure I had my jacket; studying the calloused undersides of my feet earned by running barefoot daily in the dirt and gravel driveway; trying to come up with a plan to keep them 'hard' so I wouldn't have to go through the tender foot stage in the spring; there are no words. Going through my pile of school clothes and searching for just the right pair of socks to make each outfit perfect.

That's what the barn sale felt like yesterday. The friends wandering & chatting & shopping. Treasures going to new homes. Vendors rearranging displays to keep everything lovely. If you were there I know that you have your very own correlation to that happy childhood last summer weekend. If you weren't, well we'll be there today, Saturday September 24th, 2011. You won't find that perfect pair of socks, but I'll bet you will find that perfect accessory for your home, yard, or neck.

Grab a friend. Come out and play!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cottontail Candies Caramel IN THE HOUSE!

Nancy just stopped by the house with these! AND she brought samples. So, beginning this week we'll be featuring FOUR kinds of caramels. Regular, Sea Salt, Espresso and Licorice. We'll get them in pretty dishes for you. You're gonna love 'em. I know I do.

I'm expecting something else to come in today that's almost as much fun as candy. If it shows up I'll post again. Maybe.

See you later this week!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Up and Running and Loving My Shop

Main Street Echo, Oregon is such a perfect place for my little shop. I'm open every Friday from noon to 8. And of course the first Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every month. 

My bestie, Lina found this Kelvinator door! The ultimate magnet board, right?

I've been creating some hair pin pretties and bottle / decanter jewelry using vintage keys, jewelry parts and other found objects. What do you think?

Our most recent furniture addition. Such a pretty vanity!

And finally, a view from the inside looking out.  Well, that's what it looked like last week. It changes pretty much every Friday.
Come visit!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Opening Day Approaches!

One week from today! Yep, Thursday, August 4th Gathered Over Time will open doors to the public for the very first time! There are so many butterflies in my stomach.

This is my storefront today. Check back soon for some in-progress shots of the interior. Like soon in a few days. Not soon like today. I won't get them done today. More coffee, please.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Grapevine, Texas

Oh my goodness, did I need this getaway! Jim overworked his brain all week at Abbott and I do feel a little guilty wandering around recharging mine, but, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

I have fallen in love with this little town. The history, the main street, the gazebo, the people. What is it about little towns that just draws me in and lets me breathe more deeply, laugh more freely and sleep more soundly?

Anyhoo, I thought you might enjoy a few phone shots of things that I've enjoyed.

I could pretend that I was just taking this picture because I'm always paying attention to other peoples merchandising talents. That would be a lie. The picture was taken because I was suffering red cowgirl boot lust. I didn't give in though. DANG IT!

The quilted trees came home with us. Yes, we did have to pick up a second suitcase to make it happen, but I couldn't leave them at Adorn. They'll be making an appearance at the shop when we get closer to Christmas.

The lady in the yellow Jeep is my new friend Mac. She's sweet and a hoot and I do hope we'll see each other in Oregon. She sells antiques with an edge at the Grapevine Antique Mall, where I lusted after an aligator hide, ate really wonderful salad for lunch and picked up a few treasures for the shop. (And some just for me.)

This is Muriel. She and two lady friends were on a wine tour, or looking for one. It was hot and I can't remember. Come visit us Muriel and friends! We'll take you on a Washington Wine Country tour!

Fort Worth Stock Yards! Now, there's an experience. No, we didn't go to Billy Bob's and ride the bull, but we did have really, really good hamburgers at The Star Cafe. Yes, I did notice that the cowboy riding the mule was listing to the right. Yes, that is a beer in his hand.

God BLESS Texas! We had so much fun!!! And I only gained 3 pounds!

Lavender Festival 2011 in Pics

All I can say is, "Wow!"  I loved being at this year's lavender festival, visiting with friends, sending treasures off to new homes. Purple Ridge Lavender is a lovely, lovely farm owned and run by delightful people. I can hardly wait until next year!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lavender Festival 2011 ~ We'll Be There!

Starting to prepare for July 9th & 10th. I'll be set up in the fields at Purple Ridge Lavender farm. Last year was so much fun that I'm just going to do it again!  See you there, right? I'll bring old and repurposed treasures. You bring a smile, a camera and some cash.

Check into Purple Ridge Lavender and get the festival scoop.  And maybe a scoop of lavender while you're at it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Please Can You Spare a Home?

Vanilla found us late last summer. She was half grown and nearly half dead. It was hot and she had obviously been on her own for a long time… So hungry she ate green beans out of our garden and so thirsty she drank 2 bowls of water without stopping. She went home that night to live with Ashley and Zach and turned out to be a cool kitty. She kindly tolerates little kids hauling her around and has never scratched anyone. She loves to visit in the house, be held and petted for a bit then wants to go back outside.

This winter Vanilla got mixed up with the wrong crowd. When she came home she was, “with child” (ummm... kittens).

Fast forward… Vanilla’s family has sold their home and can no longer have pets. We have wonderful landlords who pretty much let us treat their house as our own, but we have agreed not to have pets here, so one mommy cat and four babies are only fostering with us for a little bit. If you’re thinking of adding a kitty (or 4 or 5) to your household, please consider one or more of these.

Mama Vanilla Bean. Vanilla because Ashley said she smelled like Vanilla that hot summer day and Bean because that’s what she was eating, green beans. Pretty blue eyes, sweet laid back disposition. Really wants to please her people. She always seems grateful to have a home, but a little worried that it might not last. She will use a litter box, but prefers to do her business outside.

Skittles is Vanilla’s favorite. She is a wide eyed, wide darkly striped tabby. I expect that her eyes just might stay blue like her mama’s. She’s the largest kitten in the litter. Skittles has the cutest raspy voice! Like her mama she has a very sweet laid back disposition. She loves attention, but is the shyest of the litter. She watches her sister and brothers climb legs and waits for me to invite her to join the game. She loves to have her tummy gently scratched almost as much as she loves her mama. They are usually together while the other three romp and play. I’d love to see Skittles and Vanilla go to the same forever home.

Cowgirl is the runt of the litter with the BIG personality that often accompanies those little bodies. She got her name because of her cow like spots. She is energetic, tough and has a great kitty sense of humor that reminds me of a human cowgirl. She and her brother Crusty are the first ones out of the box to greet us and play. They were the first to eat real cat food and they are a team. It would be really nice if they could live together in their new forever home.

Crusty got his name because there are two little tabby boys in the litter that look a lot alike and this one had a little crusty eye problem. That’s how we told them apart when they were really little. Crusty was the first baby to start acting like a kid cat, not a baby cat. He taught his brother and sisters to wrestle and still comes up with new moves. I swear he watches my face to read what my mood is and whether he should attack my hand, climb my jeans or snuggle. It's hard to get a good picture of Crusty. He moves too fast.

Tiger used to be called Other Crusty. We call him Tiger now because he’s big and kind of regal like a tiger, striped and deserves to have a better name than Other Crusty. He is going to grow up to be a big kitty like his sister Skittles. He’s kind of a mama’s boy and I suspect his temperament will be a lot like hers. He’s always ready to be held and petted. And he's always ready to attack and bite shoes. Especially when they're on feet. I love his grey feet and speckled belly.

These babies aren’t weaned yet, but are all eating some real cat food now. Although they live outside we play with them a LOT and bring them in the house once or twice a day for supervised play time. We want them to be civilized. They and their mama will be wonderful cat friends and companions for YOU for many years.

Let me know when you want to meet them. They will be ready for new homes June 1st.